Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Early registration for Bethany worship conference due soon.

March 8 is the early registration deadline for "Hebrews 12:28--Brimming With Worship," a conference celebrating music and the arts in worship April 8-10 in Richmond, Ind. A late registration fee of $30 will be added after March 8. The conference is part of Bethany Theological Seminary's centennial celebration and is funded by the Rosenberger Memorial Recital Series and the Stephen I. Katonah Endowment for Faith and the Arts.

Keynote speakers are Sally Morgenthaler, founder of Worship for a New Millennium; James Abbington, professor of Music at Morgan State University and executive editor of the African American Church Music Series from GIA Publications, Inc.; and Nadine Pence Frantz, professor of Theological Studies at Bethany, who is developing reflections around images of Jesus as the Christ and a book using visual art to engage with the theological task. Each speaker, as well as a variety of other leaders, will give workshops. Workshops will be offered on a variety of topics including choral directing, drama, worship centers, banners, technology, organ and piano performance, and storytelling.

Registration including three lunches and three nights' lodging is $229 for the first person from a congregation, $159 for others. Commuter registration (no lodging) is $99 for the first person from a congregation, $69 for others. Participants qualify for 1.5 continuing education units. Registration forms were mailed in the March Source packet to all Brethren congregations. Registration forms also are available at or may be requested from 800-287-8822 or

Source: 03/02/2005 Newsline

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