Friday, October 29, 2004

Southern Ohio celebrates 150th annual district conference.

On Oct. 8-9, about 225 Brethren from the 52 congregations of Southern Ohio District met at Salem Church of the Brethren in Englewood for the 150th annual district conference. Moderator Sheila Shumaker, pastor of the Troy congregation, led the meeting.

The theme, "Celebrating Diversity," was introduced in an exciting and powerful worship experience, reported Mary Sue Rosenberger, chaplain at the Brethren Retirement Community in Greenville. The diversity of music included congregational hymns, praise choruses, handbells, a choir anthem with visual accompaniment, African instruments, and a small group of district instrumentalists known as the "Whotkee R. We Yin?" Remnant Band.

Worshipers celebrated the colorful diversity of the rainbow as a paraphrase of scriptures was read affirming the variety of spiritual gifts. "The congregation responded by waving ribbons of rainbow colors, re-creating the beauty of the rainbow's blended brilliance," she reported. "The scripture, Luke 4:18-19, was read in eight different languages, giving worshipers a new appreciation both of the diversity and the unity we have in Christ Jesus. Rev. Dr. Daryl Ward, senior pastor of the Omega Baptist Church of Dayton, shared God's word in such a timely and inspired way that an occasional heartfelt Brethren 'Amen' could be heard!"

In business, 150 delegates focused on reports rather than diversity. Representatives of mission partners shared images of how the Brethren of Southern Ohio share the knowledge and love of Christ in and beyond the district. A detailed report was given by the district board preparing the delegates to consider--and adopt--a budget of $136,575 for 2005. Pastors new to the district were introduced and 18 ministers were recognized for their years of service. An offering of over $1,000 was taken to aid Atlantic Southeast District's disaster relief efforts.

As a centerpiece of the celebration of diversity, a large cooking pot labeled "Brethren Diversity Soup" graced a communion table throughout the day of business. Between reports and items of business, representatives of six congregations shared stories of how their churches celebrate diversity. Tales were told of children leading worship, the installation of an elevator, ecumenical service ministries, expanded use of technology in worship, ministry to women in a county jail, and a spiritual gifts assessment. Each storyteller contributed an ingredient to the symbolic soup. "As adjournment time approached, the soup 'miraculously' became real and each person was able to enjoy the delicious flavor of diversity," Rosenberger reported.

Leaders called to serve the district are Dave Shetler, moderator; Dan Poole, moderator-elect; Sharon Fellers, clerk; and Dave Shoup, treasurer. Mark Gardner, Gene Karn, Anke Pietsch, Ty Pyles, and Kathy Reynolds will join the board. Charles Cupp was called to Standing Committee and Fred Bernhard and Robert Smart as trustees for the Brethren Retirement Community. Southern Ohio's next annual gathering will be at Oakland Church of the Brethren Oct. 7-8, 2005.

Source: 10/29/2004 Newsline

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