Friday, February 20, 2004

Duane Grady is made coordinator for Congregational Life Team Areas 2 and 4.

Duane Grady has moved from a part-time to a full-time position with the General Board, effective Feb. 1, as he assumes additional responsibilities as coordinator of Congregational Life Team (CLT) Areas 2 and 4.

His area of ministry covers the Midwestern districts of Area 2 (Illinois/Wisconsin, Northern Indiana, South/Central Indiana, Michigan, Northern Ohio, and Southern Ohio) and the central and Plains districts of Area 4 (Missouri/Arkansas, Northern Plains, Southern Plains, and Western Plains). He will be one of four CLT coordinators working with five other CLT field staff across the country.

Grady has been a part-time CLT member since January 1998, while serving as co-pastor of Northview Church of the Brethren in Indianapolis and Anderson (Ind.) Church of the Brethren. He will continue to be a volunteer member of the pastoral staff at the Anderson church. He can be contacted at his office in Anderson, 765-649-4384, e-mail

Source: Newsline 2/20/2004

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